It’s important to understand the risks before you consider getting an investment loan. Whilst you may get larger returns when your investment value increases, it can result in larger losses when the value falls.
It’s important to understand the risks before you consider getting an investment loan.
Whilst you may get larger returns when your investment value increases, it can result in larger losses when the value falls.
A time frame of at least five to ten years is considered prudent when borrowing to invest. Investment property loans and margin loans are typically used. With the investment (shares or property) used as the security for the loan.
Investment property loans can be used to invest in houses, apartments or commercial property. You can collect the rent on the property but you also have to pay loan interest and the costs to own the property (think land rates, insurance, property maintenance, agents fees etc).
Typically the lender will look to cap the amount of the loan to 80-90% of the value of the property meaning you’ll need to put in the difference or offer additional property as security.
Margin loans enable you to borrow funds to invest in shares, managed funds and ETF’s, using those investments as security for the loan.
Margin lenders require you to keep the loan amount below an agreed level of the value of the investment, usually around 70%. This is called the loan to value ratio (LVR). The LVR goes up if the investment falls in value and if the agreed LVR is exceeded the lender will issue a margin call.
To get the LVR back to acceptable levels you can deposit money to reduce how much you owe on the loan, add more shares or managed funds to increase the investment value, or sell part of the investment and use the money to reduce the loan balance.
If you can’t meet the margin call the lender will sell some of your investments to reduce the loan (and it may not be a good time to sell).
Margin loans can be a high risk investment and you can lose a lot more than you invest if things go against you. If you don’t fully understand how a margin loan works and the risks involved, don’t take one out.
The major risks of borrowing to invest are:
Borrowing to invest really only makes sense if the return after tax is higher than the costs of the investment. If not, you will have taken on a lot of risk for a low or negative return.
It’s very important to seek qualified financial advice when considering a gearing strategy.
You need to consider with your financial planner (or adviser), your objectives, financial situation and your particular needs prior to making an investment decision. Sensibly Pty Ltd and its authorised representatives (or credit representatives) do not accept liability for any errors or omissions of information supplied on this website
Nick Shanley, Steve May, Luke Styles and Shanley Financial Planning T/A Steve May Financial Services are Authorised Representatives / Corporate Authorised Representative of Sensibly Pty Ltd, AFSL 533923. Please refer to our website at to reference our Financial Services Guides.
Shanley Financial Planning Pty Ltd trading as Steve May Financial Services (ABN 19 612 825 180) is a Corporate Authorised Representative of (1265706) of Sensibly Pty Ltd (AFSL 533923)
Nick Shanley, Steve May and Luke Styles are Authorised Representatives of Sensibly Pty Ltd (AFSL 533923)